Grades and Transcripts

Grades and Transcripts

Last updated: January 18th, 2023 at 11:59 am

The official WAUSM transcript is organized by academic year, listing all courses and clerkships in the academic year, with the credit hours for each course or rotation, followed by the final grade earned for each course or rotation. The transcript will also record that the student passed the University’s internal competency assessments.


The final course grade for a student is determined by the percentages and designation indicated below. Several methods of evaluation may be used to make this assessment, including but not limited to, written examinations, team-based activities, direct observation of students, written reports, oral presentations, and evaluations of professional conduct. Students should see the MAPP course syllabus for detailed information about grading. Student achievement of competencies results in either a Pass (P) or Fail (F) final grade.

a. Each student earning the following percentage scores on the overall course grade will receive the indicated designation, at minimum:

i. 70% – 100+%: Pass (P)
ii. Less than 70%: Fail (F)


The final course grade for a student is determined by the percentages  and designation indicated below. Several methods of evaluation may be used to make this assessment, including but not limited to, written examinations, team-based activities, direct observation of students, written reports, oral presentations, Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and evaluations of professional conduct. Students should see the course syllabus for detailed information about grading for an individual course. Student achievement
of competencies results in either an Honors (H), High Pass (HP), Pass (P) or Fail (F) final grade.

a. Each student earning the following percentage scores on the overall course grade will receive the indicated designation, at minimum:

i. 90% – 100%: Honors (H)
ii. 80% – 89.9%: High Pass (HP)
iii. 70% – 79.9%: Pass (P)
iv. Less than 70%: Fail (F)


Student achievement of competencies is stratified, based on clinical performance and NBME Subject Examination performance, resulting in a final grade of Honors, High Pass, Pass, and Fail.

a. Honors (H): The student has performed consistently in a manner judged as truly outstanding. The performance is worthy as a model.

b. High Pass (HP): The student has performed consistently in a manner judged to be clearly above average competency. The performance may occasionally be exemplary but not consistently so.

c. Pass (P): The student has performed consistently in a manner judged to be at or above the minimum level of competency. The performance may occasionally be superior, but not consistently so. No significant portion of the performance has been below the minimum level of competency.

d. Fail (F): The student has performed in a manner judged as marginal in relation to the minimal level of competency. In some respects, performance may have been above the minimum level, but in other aspects, or at other times, performance has been below the minimum level. The student has not demonstrated adequate mastery of the pertinent competency. Remediation or repetition of coursework is required.

In Process (IP) and Fail Grades in Permanent Student Records

a. In Process (IP):

i. This temporary grade is used for students who have not completed all required components of a
course or clerkship but can do so before a completion date established by the University.

ii. In Process (IP) grades change to Fail (F) grades if the remediation is not completed in a satisfactory
manner within the time limits prescribed by SPC.

a. Fail (F):

i. Students who receive a Failing (F) grade in a medical school course, clerkship, or rotation will be
referred to the Student Progress Committee (SPC) for review of the student’s overall academic

ii. All Fail (F) final grades will be listed on the student’s permanent transcript. The transcript will reflect
both the initial grade of Fail (F) and the final remediated grade earned in the course or clerkship.

iii. Failure to complete the plan for remediation (i.e., work not completed or performed at an unsatisfactory level) will be reported to the SPC for action, which can include requiring the student to repeat the course/clerkship, repeat the semester or year, be placed on probation, suspension, or dismissal from WAUSM.


a. A withdrawal occurs when a student’s enrollment is discontinued with no intention of returning to the program. Withdrawals can be either student-initiated or administratively determined.

b. Students are subject to a withdrawal based on the following:

i. A student electing to withdraw, prior to the first exam, will receive a grade of a “W” on their transcript.

ii. A student electing to withdraw after taking one or more examinations will receive a grade of a withdrawal passing (WP) or withdrawal fail (WF) based on their performance on the examination(s) taken on their transcript.

iii. A student that is administratively withdrawn will receive a grade of withdrawal administrative (WA) on their transcript.

Please see the “Withdrawal Policy” and “Withdrawal Procedure” for more information.

Faculty Recusal from Academic Evaluation

Assessments in and promotions through the academic program of WAUSM are expected to be made fairly, impartially, and without bias. To accomplish that goal, both faculty and students have an obligation to alert the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) if they perceive a potential conflict of interest. In addition, Student Progress Committee (SPC) members must identify as early as possible any situation that could reasonably call into question the judgment of the member.

As soon as a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest is recognized, faculty members participating in the student assessment process shall recuse themselves from both assessment of the student in courses, units or clerkships and any discussion of and voting on the student.

A conflict of interest is present if the faculty member has or has had a treatment relationship with the student or has, or has had, a close personal or familial relationship with the student.

Faculty members shall bring any conflict to the attention of the Senior Associate Dean of Student Affairs (SADSA) as soon as they become aware of the situation.

Students have the obligation to avoid small groups, preceptor assignments, clinical sites, as well as specific clerkships and elective rotations where evaluating faculty members have a close or personal relationship with the student.

Examples of situations where the faculty would be considered to have, or have the future potential for, academic or professional influence include, but are not limited to:

a. Faculty supervisors and collaborators on a trainee’s research or scholarly project

b. Faculty teaching a course in which the trainee is enrolled, regardless of whether the faculty and trainee are in the same school, department, or program

c. Faculty serving as the student’s mentor

d. Faculty or staff who would normally be expected to provide regular formal evaluation of a trainee’s performance, such as an attending physician in a field closely related to the trainee’s

Generally, any conflict is considered resolved by

a. recusal of the affected faculty member from an academic assessment role or proceedings involving the student before the SPC, or

b. if the faculty member is in a position to mentor or assess the student in other WAUSM educational activities, the replacement of the faculty member with an impartial faculty member or reassigning the student to an appropriate alternative experience.

c. The Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs will determine whether additional steps should be taken to manage the potential conflict.

Procedure for medical students with a prior or ongoing relationship with a faculty member or resident physician

a. In the case that a medical student is assigned to work with a faculty member or resident physician with whom they have had a prior or ongoing professional care provider relationship or close personal relationship, either party must request that the student be granted an immediate change of assignment without fear of reprisal for this request.

b. The medical student should contact the SADSA, who will facilitate an immediate reassignment for the student.

c. The faculty member should contact the SADSA, who will alert the course, unit, or clerkship director immediately about the need to change the assignments and to ensure that the faculty member will have no influence on the assessment or determination of the grade of the medical student.

d. The resident physician should contact the SADSA, who will contact the residency program directly to inform them of the relationship.

e. The SADSA shall also alert the clerkship director immediately about the need to change the assignments to ensure that the resident will have no influence on the assessment or determination of the grade of the medical student.



The academic catalog describes the educational program and activities available at WAUSM. WAUSM’s curriculum is designed to build a solid foundation and positions students for success.



The information contained in the student handbook serves as a guide for students throughout their academic, clinical,  and extracurricular life as members of the WAUSM community.