Student Life

Student Life

Last updated: January 12th, 2023 at 10:56 am

Information Technology (IT)

Comprehensive IT policies that determine and regulate appropriate use of WAUSM-issued equipment and/or resources and set standards for IT device issuance, usage, maintenance, and recovery.

The privilege of using the computing and technology resources provided by WAUSM is not transferable or extendable by students to people or groups outside of the University and terminates when a student or faculty member/ staff is no longer enrolled/employed in WAUSM, although special accommodations may be made for WAUSM Alumni.

These policies are provided to make sure all users are aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a user acts unprofessionally and ignores any of the terms and conditions in the policies, privileges may be terminated, access to WAUSM technology resources may be denied, and appropriate academic or disciplinary action may occur.

Student ID Badge

Western Atlantic University School of Medicine (WAUSM) recognizes the importance of effective access and exit control in relation to the orderly operations, safety and security of the campus and its occupants. To facilitate and ensure this process, it is WAUSM policy that all persons must be issued an appropriate WAUSM ID badge or security pass before being allowed to access the campus.

1. WAUSM ID badges will be issued by Campus Operations or Student Affairs as part of the on-boarding process for WAUSM enrolled students, faculty, colleagues, and other affiliates.

2. WAUSM ID badges for WAUSM enrolled students, faculty, colleagues, and other affiliates shall be valid for the duration of the holder’s association with WAUSM and will remain with the holder for the duration of that period.

3. Visitors to WAUSM Campus:

• Visitors will be issued a visitor badge at main reception.

• All visitor passes will be provided at the discretion of WAUSM security and operations.

• Visitors must return their passes to main reception.

• Visitors are not allowed to utilize campus spaces for extended periods of time and must be accompanied by a WAUSM colleague / host.

4. Members of the campus community must enter and exit campus only at an authorized point of access.

5. Without exception, every member of the campus community must present his/her WAUSM ID badge at every access point. Students who forget their ID badge at home may be issued with a visitor pass to allow them access to campus.

6. Everyone must wear their WAUSM ID badge while on campus in such a manner that it is visible to other persons.

7. Security may immediately escort anyone off campus who is not in possession of a WAUSM ID and does not have a legitimate reason for being on campus.

8. If a person loses their WAUSM ID badge or the badge is stolen, damaged or deteriorated, this must be reported to the Office of Campus Operations or Office of Student Affairs. All lost IDs, if found, should be returned to Campus Operations or Student Affairs.

9. The ID badge remains the property of WAUSM.

Loaned WAUSM Equipment

All users must take personal responsibility for the security of the equipment, software, and data in their care. Computers or other devices provided on a temporary basis to users are the property of WAUSM and, as such, will be subject to log monitoring at any time. The WAUSM Office of IT may also choose to remotely disable a device if the device or data has been compromised, lost, or stolen, or if a user is in non-compliance with established policy and/or directives.

All equipment is loaned for academic purposes and users should understand that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning data or software on these devices.

Users must abide by all IT policies of WAUSM. This includes all HIPAA and FERPA regulations pertaining to security and privacy.

Receiving and Returning Equipment

All users will coordinate to return devices to the WAUSM Office of IT at the end of the issuance period.

Failure to return devices will result in a delay of receipt of your diploma.

All IT equipment is and will remain property of WAUSM and all users shall adhere to this policy and acceptable use policy for technology.

Stolen, Lost, Damaged or Malfunctioning Equipment

Stolen equipment, devices that malfunction or are damaged, must be reported to the Office of IT within no more than 24 hours.

Theft or damage to any device, due to negligence, is the sole responsibility of the user who will bear all costs for replacing the parts or purchasing a new device.

The user will provide payment for the replacement or repair of the device, which will be processed between the user the WAUSM Office of IT and/or the WAUSM Office of Student Affairs.

Upkeep and Care of Equipment

Students should abide by the following care guidelines as much as possible.

a. keeping device/s battery charged for school each day

b. using a clean, soft, or antistatic cloth to clean the screen, no cleansers of any type

c. keeping devices in a secure location and never leaving it in an unlocked locker, unlocked car, or in any unsupervised or unsecure location

d. not leaving devices in a place that is experiencing hot or cold conditions (i.e., car in summer or winter), because extreme heat will damage the unit and extreme cold will cause severe screen damage

e. not changing device settings

f. using devices in a responsible and ethical manner

g. obeying all applicable rules and laws concerning behavior and communication that apply to use

Originally Installed Software and/or Apps

The apps and operating system originally installed by WAUSM must remain on the device in usable condition and be always easily accessible.

Students are responsible for backing up or preserving digital content stored on their device/s. WAUSM does not accept responsibility for the loss of any apps or documents deleted due to the necessity of a reformat and/or reimage upon return.

WAUSM reserves the right to restrict content to be installed on the device.

Personal Devices

Students are advised to bring their own mobile, tablet, or laptop device (a laptop is required for exams and assessments) and connect to the WAUSM network for official business, educational, or research purposes. WAUSM IT is not responsible for either the physical or data security of any such device or its contents and will not provide software installations, repair, or maintenance for any personal device. Additionally, students using personal devices for academic sessions will be responsible for software installation, maintenance and repair of said devices. The student is responsible for the proper care of their personal device, including any costs of repair, replacement or any modifications, software installations and other support needed to use the device at school.

The WAUSM Office of Informational Technology (IT) reserves the right to monitor the school’s network usage and report all unlawful activity performed on personal devices while connected to the university’s network. Students should not have an expectation of privacy.

Violations of any school policies, administrative procedures, or University rules involving a student’s personally owned device may result in the loss of use of the device on the University network and/or disciplinary action. WAUSM reserves the right to contact the Security Department or other law enforcement if there is any reason to believe that the student has used their personal device to violate federal, state, or local laws, engaged in any criminal or unlawful behavior, or is involved in other misconduct while using their personal device while connected to the WAUSM network.

WAUSM’s IT Office may provide all relevant information to law enforcement on the log activity of the personal device(s) connected to the WAUSM network.

Students may not use personal devices to record, transmit or post photos or videos of any information covered by HIPAA and/or FERPA, any WAUSM confidential or sensitive information, or any academic activities without the explicit permission of faculty during their coursework. Students, while connected to the secured WAUSM network, should only use their device to access relevant files and educational content on an as-needed basis.

Email Policy

The email policy aims to ensure proper usage of WAUSM email by students at all times.

Only WAUSM faculty, staff, students, and other persons who have received permission by the Office of Information Technology are authorized users of the WAUSM email system and resources.

After IT orientation your WAUSM email address becomes your primary mode of communication. You will no longer receive WAUSM communications to your personal email and you should no longer send school related communications from your personal email.

Use of email is encouraged where such use supports the University’s academic goals and facilitates communication between faculty and students. However, if a student uses email in an unacceptable manner, they may be subject to sanctions, including but not limited to, having their campus email account deactivated. The student may receive an initial warning with reports of any subsequent violations sent to the SPC for final recommendations and action, or violations may be sent directly to the SPC.

WAUSM students are normally expected to check their email account at least once per day and normally respond in an appropriate timeframe of 48 hours to requests.

Email Etiquette

• Add the recipient email addresses last and make sure you’ve selected the correct addresses.

• Proofread messages and watch for tone.

• Include the WAUSM signature block.

• Limit use of reply-all.

• Limit use of all capitals.

• Reply in a timely fashion, even if it is to acknowledge receipt or a timeline for appropriate response.

• All emails leave a trail. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want everyone to see.

Social Media Usage

The administration of WAUSM recognizes that social media websites and applications, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Snap, Tumblr, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube are an important and timely means of communication. However, students, faculty, staff, consultants, residents, fellows, and volunteers must appreciate that posting certain information may be illegal or unprofessional.

While students are free to establish personal accounts on various social media platforms, it is critically important that good judgment and discipline is exercised when posting and interacting via social media. Violation of existing statutes and administrative regulations may expose the offender to criminal and civil liability, and the punishment for violations may include fines and imprisonment.

Offenders also may be subject to adverse employment actions, disciplinary sanctions and/or academic actions that may include, but not be limited to, a verbal or written reprimand, probation, suspension or dismissal from employment, medical school and/or resident training. All students, faculty, staff, consultants, residents, fellows, volunteers are also subject to the policies of WAUSM’s Office of IT.

Prohibited Use of IT and Social Media

a. Students, faculty, staff, and other colleagues must adhere to the applicable Code of Conduct when
engaging on social media platforms. When posting content on social media platforms:

i. Under no circumstances are WAUSM teaching or resource materials (images, practice questions, handouts, supplementary materials, workbooks, etc.) to be reproduced, posted, or distributed via social media platforms or emailed for use to individuals outside of WAUSM.

ii. For students, sharing certain academic information within a class is acceptable, but sharing material between classes or outside WAUSM is not. Many of our cases have been generously provided to us by other medical schools with the stipulation that they would be used only by our students. In addition, it would defeat the purpose of certain activities if the learning objectives, study materials, etc. were made available by upper-semester students who have completed those activities, to students’ encountering cases for the first time.

iii. All postings are limited to established practices and tools set by course directors, clerkship directors, and WAUSM IT.

iv. Posts and online communications, regardless of format, must follow the Code of Conduct, bearing in mind that even content posted under privatization settings may become public if those who have access choose to share the posting.

v. Students, faculty, staff, consultants, and affiliates are prohibited from posting content that is defamatory, profane, threatening, harassing, hateful or humiliating. This includes any disparaging remarks in violation of WAUSM’s code of conduct.

vi. Individuals must refrain from inciting violence or propagating hate, which are tantamount to behaviors unbecoming of a physician. The above actions are considered unprofessional and are against the Code of Conduct.

vii. In posting information on social media sites, you may not present yourself as an official representative or spokesperson for WAUSM, unless authorized to do so by WAUSM’s president or executive dean, respectively.

viii. WAUSM logos, trademarks or proprietary graphics that would create the appearance they are speaking on WAUSM’s behalf, are not to be used unless appropriate written prior authorization has been received from WAUSM leadership.

ix. You are required to respect limited personal use permissions, when applicable, and are required not to utilize websites and/or applications in a manner that interferes with your official work and/or academic commitments. That is, do not consume university, hospital, or clinic technology resources for personal use when others need access for patient-or business-related matters. Moreover, do not delay completion of assigned clinical responsibilities to engage in social media activities.

x. You are required not to disclose private(protected) academic information of another student or trainee. Such information might include, but is not limited to, course or clerkship grades, narrative evaluations, examination scores, or academic actions, whether of adverse or of appropriate nature and anything falling under HIPAA and/or FERPA.

xi. You are required not to represent yourself as another person, real or fictitious, or otherwise attempt to obscure your identity to circumvent the provisions of this policy

Social Media and Patient Care

• Students are not to represent their posts as speaking on behalf of their clinical sites, unless they are given permission from the appropriate site representative and must follow all applicable policies of their clinical sites related to social media.

• Students must not share information (including posting content) in a way that violates any laws or regulations.

• When students are providing care to a patient, HIPAA, and the clinical affiliate’s policies, prohibit the disclosure of any identifiable information about a patient, unless doing so pursuant to one of the limited exceptions outlined in HIPAA and/or partner’s policies and procedures. It is the student’s responsibility to know the clinical affiliate’s policies and abide thereby.

• In your professional role as a caregiver, you may not disclose the personal health information of other individuals. Removal of an individual’s name does not necessarily constitute proper de-identification of protected health information. Inclusion of data such as age, gender, race, diagnosis, date of evaluation, or type of treatment or the use of a highly specific medical photograph (such as a before/after photograph of a patient having surgery or a photograph of a patient from a medical outreach trip) may still allow the reader to recognize the identity of a specific individual, and therefore is prohibited.

• Medical students have an ethical and legal obligation to their patients. Students must not refer to patients in a disparaging manner, including standardized patients, even if the patient is not identified. Students are required to always maintain patient privacy and confidentiality.

• Students are prohibited from taking photos or videos of patients or private patient information, on personal devices, including cell/mobile phones, unless specifically permitted by the clinical site’s policies. Students are required to follow the clinical site’s policy for taking photographs or videos of patients for treatment or other legitimate purposes, using only devices provided by the site.

• Posting items that contain patient health information and/or violate HIPAA standards, including photos and videos, on social media is strictly prohibited by WAUSM.

• Students must maintain professional boundaries during the use of all social media. As with in-person relationships, the student has an obligation to establish, communicate and enforce professional boundaries with patients in the online environment

• Students must promptly report any identified breach of confidentiality to the Senior Associate Dean, Student Affairs.

In addition to the absolute prohibitions listed above, the actions listed below are strongly discouraged. Violations of these suggested guidelines may be considered unprofessional behavior and may be the basis for disciplinary action. Students who fail to adhere to the standards of professionalism or other applicable WAUSM policies regarding use of IT and social media may be subject to review by the Student Progress Committee that may impose academic consequences.

Engaging in the following activities (or similar conduct) by students, faculty, staff, consultants, residents, fellows, and volunteers may result in employment and/or academic disciplinary action:

• display of vulgar language

• display of language or photographs that imply disrespect for any individual or group because of age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or other legally protected status

• presentation of personal photographs or photographs of others that may reasonably be interpreted as condoning irresponsible use of alcohol, substance abuse, or sexual promiscuity

• posting of potentially inflammatory or unflattering material on another individual’s website or “tagging” another individual in an inflammatory or unflattering demeanor using a blog, social media, or other web service

When using social media websites/applications, students, faculty (including affiliate faculty) and staff members, consultants, residents, and fellows are strongly encouraged to use a personal email address, rather than their address, as their primary means of identification. Individuals also should make every effort to present themselves in a mature, responsible, and professional manner. Discourse should be civil and respectful.

Please be aware that no privatization measure is perfect and that undesignated persons may still gain access to your social media sites. A site such as YouTube, of course, is completely open to the public. Future employers (residency or fellowship program directors, department chairs, or private practice partners) often review these social media sites when considering potential candidates for employment.

Although once-posted information can be removed from the original social media site, exported information cannot be recovered. Any digital exposure can “live on” beyond its removal from the original website or social media service and continue to circulate in other venues. Therefore, think carefully before you post any information that may negatively impact your standing with the university or future employers. Always be respectful and professional in your actions.

Student Privacy Policy

WAUSM respects the rights and privacy of its students, staff, alumni, and others and acknowledges the responsibility to maintain confidentiality of personal information of students.

I. Overview

a. Western Atlantic University School of Medicine, LTD and its affiliates (collectively “WAUSM”) are committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information. This policy describes how we collect, use, process and disclose your personal information and the choices you can make on how this is handled. This Student Privacy Policy applies to all students, prospective students, applicants, alumni, visitors, and anyone else that comes into contact with our digital landscape and services we offer.

b. The privacy policy is followed in conjunction with the laws in areas in which we operate. Students at WAUSM have their records kept in concordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), WAUSM policies and procedures, and applicable U.S. state laws and the laws of the Bahamas.

II. Your Personal Information

a. We collect personal information to provide services and communications to you in the following ways:

1. Data which applicants/students provide:

i. We collect personal information from you when you express interest in our programs, apply for admissions, apply for financial aid, enroll in our programs, respond to a survey, register for classes, register for exams, set up a profile or online tools and services, use the library, register for housing, etc. Examples include:

a. Personal information such as name, address, date of birth, social security number, passport, sex/gender, passport details, national origin, medical and behavioral conditions, criminal background information, employment information, education and employment history, photos, travel information, financial information, health insurance information, credit report information, etc.

b. Demographic information such as career preferences, interests, and information provided such as your extracurricular activities, admissions application, interview information, travel information, and housing materials.

c. Information you provide in online platforms related to coursework, course discussion boards, social media, surveys, forums, directories, which can include data, photos, and reviews.

2. Automated Information:

i. We automatically collect and store information through your use of Services through the use of Cookies. Examples that we may collect are:

a. Login information, email address and password

b. IP address

c. Browser type

d. Internet Service Provider (ISP)

3. Information received from external sources:

i. We receive information from external sources such as external agencies that administer the following: scholarships and financial aid, health coverage, educational providers that administer exams, educational partners, social media, third-party platforms, and other business partners.

ii. Examples of information that we include from these sources include:

a. Name and other identifying information such as mailing address, personal and professional records, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, date of birth information and social security numbers.

b. Educational performance information, financial aid information, information contained within letters of reference or recommendation, and other information related to your attendance at undergraduate and graduate programs as well as WAUSM.

c. Interests, demographics, and internet browsing behavior.

iii. Students are responsible for making sure their data is accurate and up to date with admissions when they are applicants and within the student information system once students matriculate and graduate. We may be unable to unable to successfully communicate with you via phone or email if your information is not accurate.

III. Information Use and Storage

a. We will use, process and store information that is collected in order to provide services to students. This allows us to process admissions applications, enroll students, process financial aid and scholarships, keep accurate grade and exam records, graduation, and licensing, and support our general business functions.

1. Examples of how personal information is used include:

i. To administer admissions application processing, financial aid processing, enrollment and registration, health insurance enrollment, student services and residency application and career services.

ii. To provide you with information on admissions, enrollment, financial aid, billing and payments, registration, residency, and graduation.

iii. To ensure you have access to university systems as needed

iv. To provide support as needed with inquiries and requests

v. To support general business operations and as we describe when collecting the information.

IV. Personal Information Protection

a. WAUSM protects all personal data and sensitive personal data that it collects or processes for a lawful basis. Any personal data and sensitive personal data collected or processed by WAUSM is:

1. Processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.

2. Collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.

3. Limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

4. Accurate and kept up to date.

5. Retained when needed and deleted when it is no longer needed.

6. Secure.

b. The personal information we collect is stored in databases and files that are protected by passwords and firewalls. We use anonymous, aggregated data about website visitors’ site usage and technical capabilities as well as about HTML message opening and click-through rates to improve online services and communications. WAUSM may disclose personal information if we are required to do so to comply with the law, subpoenas or with legal process. The information systems used within WAUSM meet FERPA and/or HIPPA compliance standards where applicable.

c. We employ security measures to protect the data which are reasonable which include administrative, technical, and physical standards. These measures protect against misuse, destruction, and unauthorized access to your personal and student information. Additionally, all staff are trained on privacy of student information and records and the importance of protecting your personal information. Students and staff are granted appropriate access to all systems including but not limited to Slate, Anthology and Canvas.

d. Please know that almost no system is impenetrable. If you suspect that any information has been compromised, you should immediately make a report to Information Technology and the Office of the University Registrar.

V. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information to Parties Outside the University

a. WAUSM does not sell, rent, give away, or loan any personally identifiable information about students, faculty, or staff that is collected to any third party other than affiliates directly connected to WAUSM without your consent. Pursuant to FERPA, WAUSM may publish “directory information” unless you affirmatively choose to opt out. For more information, see WAUSM’s FERPA Policy in the Student Handbook at

VI. Google Analytics and Cookies

a. Google Analytics: The WAUSM website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses persistent cookies to analyze how users use this site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators, and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser; however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of the WAUSM website or web applications. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above. Learn more about Google’s Privacy Policy and the Google Analytics Terms of Service.

b. Cookies: We use cookies to help manage secure web site sessions such as online forms or surveys. A cookie is a piece of data that is either maintained only for the duration of a particular session visit or
is stored on the user’s computer to support future visits. By continuing to browse on WAUSM websites or by clicking “accept all cookies,” the user agrees to the storing of first- and third-party cookies on user device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in WAUSM marketing efforts.

1. Session cookies – This type of cookie is used to enhance and make more efficient the user’s experience during a site visit. Once the user closes the browser, the cookie terminates.

2. Persistent cookie – This type of cookie stores a small text file on the user’s hard drive for an extended period of time to remember visit activity that will help make subsequent visits more efficient. Persistent cookies can be removed by following the user’s Internet browser help directions.

VII. Third Party Support

a. WAUSM relies on third party service providers for some online services in support of our students and curriculum. Those third-party services and/or sites may have their own privacy policies as well.

For more information, please see the following regarding their privacy policies:

1. Anthology Student Information System:

2. Canvas:

3. Microsoft 365: center/privacy

4. National Board of Medical Examiners:

5. Slate:

VIII. Retention

a. We keep your personal information on file for as long as it is needed or required. Certain information must be kept in perpetuity in relation to your student record and subsequent graduation for future reference. If you wish to see a copy of the University’s retention policy, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at [email protected].

IX. International Transfers of Information

a. WAUSM operates and processes information in multiple jurisdictions. Information may be collected, used, processed, viewed, and stored in a jurisdiction other than the one in which you are located, including the United States and the Bahamas. By using our applicant and student services, you consent to the collection, transfer, use and storage of your personal information in a jurisdiction other than where you are located.

X. What should I do if I have questions?

a. If you have questions about our privacy policy, please contact [email protected]

WAUSM Facilities

Pre-clerkship instruction occurs on the campus in Freeport, Grand Bahama. In addition to classrooms, small group learning and study rooms, a Simulation Center with clinical skills rooms, and the Center for Academic Success (CAS), there are many other areas that are conducive to, and support student learning.

Faculty office locations, phone numbers, and email addresses are published in course syllabi and contact information can be found in Canvas and on the Website.

Medical students have access to the classrooms and small group learning areas for study when the rooms are not being used for classes or other activities. Some spaces may require students to reserve the space through the appropriate administrator.

Students are assigned a locker on campus for storage of personal items.

WAUSM Library

The WAUSM Library provides online resources in support of learning, teaching and research. In addition, the library offers study spaces, and a wide variety of library services. Individual assistance in using databases and searching resources ensures all students can access information anywhere at any time, on or off campus.

Parking and Traffic

The Office of Campus Operations is authorized to designate any spaces as temporary reserved or priority parking. The maximum speed on any WAUSM driveway or roadway, excluding those owned and managed by the city of Freeport or Grand Bahama, is 15 miles per hour. WAUSM assumes no liability for damages to any vehicle parked or driven on campus.

WAUSM Public Safety Services, Emergency, Hurricane, and Severe Weather

WAUSM Security administers safety and security for the Freeport campus. Security may include Police department officers from Freeport, support uniformed, unarmed WAUSM security department officers. Security also provides crime prevention education, safety escorts, vehicle assistance, criminal investigations, and parking services. Other services provided to the WAUSM community include providing extra security for special events and lost and found.

In Emergency Situations:

• Students on campus who need emergency assistance should first call 911 or 919, then call WAUSM security department.

• Students who need emergency services and are not currently on campus should call 911 or 919.

Severe Weather Communication

Should an emergency arise at any of WAUSM’s campuses or sites, information will be made available via the WAUSM website, email notification and/or Canvas notifications. In addition, WAUSM continually tests the voice and text messaging component of the Emergency Notification System with test messages to all WAUSM students, faculty, and staff.

• Students are responsible for checking emails and university or hospital websites for updated procedures and protocols.

• In the case of a loss of all methods of communication, students should follow general recommendations from the WAUSM Severe Weather Policy and exercise their own judgment in considering personal and public safety.

• In the event of severe weather or a natural disaster that interrupts or has the potential to interrupt normal operations, students will be contacted by the Office of Student Affairs with instructions pertaining to class and clinical rotation attendance.

• Students will be notified as soon as possible—if specific clinical sites are closed or activities are cancelled—with postings and updates on the WAUSM website or through their WAUSM email account.

• WAUSM community members are expected to check their emails, the WAUSM website and Canvas notifications, at least once per day for any updated information regarding severe weather and respond appropriately to requests.



The academic catalog describes the educational program and activities available at WAUSM. WAUSM’s curriculum is designed to build a solid foundation and positions students for success.



The information contained in the student handbook serves as a guide for students throughout their academic, clinical,  and extracurricular life as members of the WAUSM community.