

Last updated: January 12th, 2023 at 10:31 am

Standards of Conduct for Medical Students

Students of WAUSM are expected, at all times, to behave in a way exemplifying the following professional attributes, which have been identified by the faculty as behaviors and attitudes that medical students are expected to develop. Learning experiences related to these attributes occur throughout the curriculum and student attainment of each attribute is assessed in a variety of ways:




ethical conduct



Responsibilities of Teachers and Learners

Students and teachers should recognize the special nature of the teacher-learner relationship, which is in part defined by professional role modeling, mentorship, and supervision. Because of the special nature of this relationship, students and teachers should strive to develop their relationship to one characterized by mutual trust, acceptance, and confidence. Both must recognize the potential for conflict of interest and respect appropriate boundaries.

WAUSM has adopted the AAMC Compact between Teachers and Learners of Medicine. Preparation for a career in medicine demands the acquisition of a large fund of knowledge and a host of special skills. It also demands the strengthening of those virtues that undergird the doctor/patient relationship and that sustain the profession of medicine as a moral enterprise. This compact serves as a pledge and as a reminder to teachers and learners that their conduct in fulfilling their mutual obligations is the medium through which the profession inculcates its ethical values.

Guiding Principles

a. DUTY: Medical educators have a duty, not only to convey the knowledge and skills required for delivering the profession’s contemporary standard of care, but also to inculcate the values and attitudes required for preserving the medical profession’s social contract across generations.

b. INTEGRITY: The learning environments conducive to conveying professional values must be suffused with integrity. Students learn enduring lessons of professionalism by observing and emulating role models who epitomize authentic professional values and attitudes.

c. RESPECT: Fundamental to the ethic of medicine is respect for every individual. Mutual respect between learners, as novice members of the medical profession, and their teachers, as experienced and esteemed professionals, is essential for nurturing that ethic. Given the inherently hierarchical nature of the teacher/ learner relationship, teachers have a special obligation to ensure that students and residents are always treated respectfully.

Commitments of Faculty

a. We pledge our utmost effort to ensure that all components of the educational program for students and residents are of high quality.

b. As mentors for our student and resident colleagues, we maintain high professional standards in all interactions with patients, colleagues, and staff.

c. We respect all students and residents as individuals, without regard to gender, race, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation; we will not tolerate anyone who manifests disrespect or who expresses biased attitudes toward any student or resident.

d. We pledge that students and residents will have sufficient time to fulfill personal and family obligations, to enjoy recreational activities, and to obtain adequate rest; we monitor and, when necessary, reduce the time required to fulfill educational objectives, including time required for “call” on clinical rotations, to ensure students’ and residents’ well-being.

e. In nurturing both the intellectual and the personal development of students and residents, we celebrate expressions of professional attitudes and behaviors, as well as achievement of academic excellence.

f. We do not tolerate any abuse or exploitation of students or residents.

g. We encourage any student or resident who experiences mistreatment or who witnesses unprofessional behavior to report the facts immediately to appropriate faculty or staff members; we treat all such reports as confidential and do not tolerate reprisals or retaliations of any kind.

Commitments of Students and Residents

a. We pledge our utmost effort to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required to fulfill all educational objectives established by the faculty.

b. We cherish the professional virtues of honesty, compassion, integrity, fidelity, and dependability.

c. We pledge to respect all faculty members and all students and residents as individuals, without regard to gender, race, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation.

d. As physicians in training, we embrace the highest standards of the medical profession and pledge to conduct ourselves accordingly in all our interactions with patients, colleagues, and staff.

e. In fulfilling our own obligations as professionals, we pledge to assist our fellow students and residents in meeting their professional obligations, as well.

Professional Appearance and Dress Code

WAUSM students are expected to exhibit dress and appearance that is clean, neat, and presentable based on the teaching and learning environment. Proper hygiene and attire are expected of all students. It is important to maintain a situational awareness regarding dress in the campus and clinical environments as students and representatives of WAUSM.

Pre-clerkship: Patient Centered Care (PCC) Course

a. Physical Exam (PE) Skills Labs and Simulation Sessions:

i. Blue scrubs, closed-toe shoes, hip length white coat with ID visible

ii. Long hair tied back, fingernails trimmed short, clean and no nail polish

b. Patient-facing activities such as interview skills training, integrated patient encounters and community clinic visits. Professional dress to include:

i. Collared dress shirt and dress slacks, neck-tie optional, closed-toe shoes, dress or blouse and dress slacks or blouse and skirt. Clothing must allow sitting, bending over, squatting, and kneeling during routine and emergent patient care without impeding movement or compromising modesty

ii. Hip length, clean and pressed white coat with ID visible

iii. Long hair neatly tied back, fingernails trimmed short, clean and no nail polish for hygiene purposes


a. Collared dress shirt and dress slacks, neck-tie optional, closed-toe shoes, dress or blouse and dress slacks or blouse and skirt.

i. Clothing must allow sitting, bending over, squatting, and kneeling during routine and emergent patient care without impeding movement or compromising modesty

b. Hip length, clean and pressed white coat with ID visible

c. Clean scrubs with closed toe shoes and white coat may be appropriate for certain clerkships

d. Long hair neatly tied back, fingernails trimmed short, clean and no nail polish for hygiene purposes

e. Fragrance use is discouraged as patients may have sensitivities

f. Jewelry should be minimal and not interfere with tasks

WAUSM Freeport Campus

a. Students are allowed to wear casual, comfortable clothing on campus for study, and during classroom activity sessions, unless otherwise instructed for a certain activity. This can include pants, jeans, shorts, skirts, T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, sandals, sneakers.

i. Excessive show of skin should be avoided

ii. Jewelry and fragrance should be kept to a minimum

iii. Scrubs should not be worn in classrooms or in the community unless for specific activities where they are allowed. Note that the tradition of wearing scrubs in hospital and clinic is part of managing cleanliness and contagion. Scrubs are supposed to be cleaned after each wearing and this isn’t expected with street clothing. Scrubs are also considered a kind of identifying uniform and we do not want to encourage their casual wear.

b. Special requirements may be necessary for health and safety, such as wearing scrubs for activities (clinical skills or anatomy) or other personal protective equipment (PPE) in certain environments. Scrubs should be cleaned after each wearing, as per convention.

c. Special requirements may be necessary for sitting for examinations. Leadership, faculty and exam proctors may instruct students to not wear certain clothing items (i.e., hoodies, hats, watches, etc.) as it aligns with assessment rules and regulations. 

Student Mistreatment

WAUSM is committed to providing and maintaining a positive environment for study and training, in which individuals are judged solely on relevant factors such as ability and performance and can pursue their educational and professional activities in an atmosphere that is humane, respectful, and safe.

Our students are exceptionally talented individuals, dedicated to becoming outstanding physicians, who have selected WAUSM for their training. Effective learning is possible only in an environment where students can trust their teachers to treat them fairly and with respect. The teacher may be a faculty member, resident, student, staff, or other members of the health care team. The teacher or learner relationship is unique because medical education includes mastering not just the science of medicine, but also the essentials of professional behavior. Students learn professional behavior primarily by observing the actions of their teacher role models. Unprofessional, disrespectful, or abusive behavior by teachers is antithetical to standards of professional conduct that medical students are expected to master.


I. This policy and related procedures aim to protect MAPP and medical students from mistreatment by any faculty (pre-clerkship and clerkship) or staff member associated with the university, including clerkship directors, attending physicians, residents, consultants, affiliates, and other medical students by:

a. educating all members of the University about student mistreatment

b. prohibiting medical student mistreatment by anyone associated with WAUSM

c. encouraging the early identification of medical student mistreatment as a preventive measure

d. identifying individuals to whom medical students can report mistreatment

e. requiring those who receive complaints regarding student mistreatment to report the complaint to
the appropriate administrator

f. providing a confidential system for reporting mistreatment

g. prohibiting retaliation against those who report mistreatment

h. assuring confidentiality to the fullest extent possible

i. assuring that all reports of mistreatment will be thoroughly and promptly addressed

j. providing an avenue for corrective action

II. Responsibilities of Teachers and Learners

The University has adopted the AAMC Compact between Teachers and Learners of Medicine. This compact serves as a pledge and as a reminder to teachers and learners that their conduct in fulfilling their mutual obligations is the medium through which the profession inculcates its ethical values.

III. Unprofessional and Abusive Behaviors

a. The responsibilities of teachers and students listed in the compact constitute examples of respectful and professional behaviors. These are our standards. Mistreatment of students can occur in a variety of forms and may seriously impair learning. Types of abuse include verbal, power, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Examples of mistreatment of students include, but are not limited to, repeated instances or single egregious instances of:

i. yelling or shouting at a student in public or private

ii. criticism or other actions that reasonably can be interpreted as demeaning, insulting, or humiliating

iii. assigning duties as punishment rather than education

iv. unwarranted exclusion from reasonable learning opportunities or intentional neglect or lack of communication (e.g., neglect in a clerkship of students with interests in a different field of medicine) or other instances that cause unwarranted exclusion from reasonable learning or professional opportunities.

v. threats to fail, give lower grades, or give a poor evaluation for inappropriate reasons

vi. disregard for student safety

vii. denigrating comments about a student’s preferred choice of specialty

viii. asking students to carry out personal chores

ix. unwelcome repeated sexual comments, jokes, innuendos, or taunting remarks about one’s body, attire, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status

x. comments about stereotypical behavior or ethnic jokes

xi. intentional physical contact such as pushing, shoving, slapping, hitting, tripping, throwing objects, or aggressive violation of personal space

b. Certain mistreatment behaviors such as sexual harassment; discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status are also covered under WAUSM policies.

c. Such complaints will be handled in accordance with WAUSM’s policy and procedures. If WAUSM personnel receive a complaint that appears to be covered under these WAUSM policies, they will forward the student’s complaint to the appropriate WAUSM office for further institutional action.

d. When a medical student is alleged to have engaged in medical student mistreatment, the SADSA will determine whether such cases shall be handled under this policy (including referral to responsible WAUSM offices) or by the Student Progress Committee (SPC).

Please refer to the grade appeal policy for information regarding disputes over grades.

IV. Actions if Any Students Believe They Have Been Abused or Mistreated

a. The student should, first, carefully examine the circumstances of the incident or incidents which occurred.

b. The student may discuss the event with someone else who witnessed it, or with another student or individual whose judgment the student trusts. Did the event come under the behaviors listed in this section? If so, there are three processes available for addressing the incident—informal resolution, consultation, and formal complaint. Often, concerns can be resolved informally or through consultation.

c. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved through the informal resolution or consultation process, then the person who made the allegation of mistreatment (whether a medical student or otherwise) or the person against whom the allegation was made may initiate a formal complaint. The goal of these processes is to foster the student’s educational experience by minimizing behaviors which detract from it.

i. Informal Resolution — Students may do this by directly approaching the person whom they feel mistreated them and expressing their concern.

ii. Consultation — Meet with the student’s course/unit/clerkship director and describe what happened. If the course/unit/clerkship director takes action to settle the complaint, he or she will submit a written report of these actions to the SADSA. If the student is not satisfied with his or her interaction with the course/unit/clerkship director, or does not feel comfortable approaching him or her, or the abuser is the course/unit/clerkship director, the student may meet with the SADSA administrator to discuss possible avenues for resolution.

iii. Formal Complaint — Students can make a formal complaint in writing to the SADSA. They can also make a formal complaint in writing to a mentor/advisor or any other staff or faculty member at WAUSM. However, it is important that the SADSA be made aware so that the complaint can be properly addressed and remediated according to the procedures below.

iv. Students may make an anonymous report by visiting the WAUSM Student Hub Canvas Page and completing the Report of Student Mistreatment form. Anonymous reports may limit the ability of the university to investigate the complaint.

V. Procedure for Handling Complaints of Student Abuse

a. The SADSA will be responsible for hearing complaints of student abuse or mistreatment which are not settled through the informal resolution or consultation process.

b. The Office of the SADSA will be responsible for reviewing the complaint and obtaining additional information.

c. If the initial review discloses that the complaint warrants further review, the SASDA will convene an ad hoc committee to hold a hearing.

d. The person against whom the complaint is made will be notified in writing of the complaint and the policy for handling such complaints, and both parties will be invited to attend and participate in the process.

e. If, however, the initial review discloses that the complaint has no merit, SADSA will dismiss it. The student will be notified and may appeal to WAUSM’s Executive Dean and Chief Academic Officer within ten (10) days of the decision. The Executive Dean may uphold the decision of the SADSA or may determine that the complaint warrants further review and convene an ad hoc committee as described above.

f. The ad hoc committee will meet to review the facts of the complaint and may receive written or oral testimony from both the complainant and the respondent. All materials will be held confidential by the committee.

g. The chair of the ad hoc committee will submit a written report of the committee’s findings to the SADSA.

h. The SADSA will notify the respondent and the complainant in writing of the findings. Record of the proceedings will be kept by the SADSA.

i. If an allegation of abuse or mistreatment is made against an individual at an affiliated clinical site, the SADSA will meet directly with the student and applicable officials at such site to address and remediate the situation.

j. In the interim, provisions will be made to reassign or remove the student from interaction with the person against whom the complaint is made.

VI. Appeals Process

a. If either the student or the person against whom the complaint is made wants to appeal the decision, a written appeal must be submitted to the University President within ten (10) days of notification of the decision.

b. The President or his designee will conduct an appeal review by examining the facts gathered during the process as well as any new facts offered by either party for consideration.

c. The President or designee will notify the parties in writing of his or her decision.

d. The decision of the President is final.

VII. Confidentiality

a. Unless legally required (e.g., there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm, a criminal investigation, mandatory Title IX reporting, mandatory disability discrimination reporting, court order, or as otherwise required by law), all officials involved in the investigation of mistreatment will hold all communications with those seeking assistance in confidence, and not disclose confidential communications unless given permission to do so.

b. Substance of matters discussed in the office will remain confidential, but the SADSA will report general, de-identified trends of issues to provide feedback to the Executive Dean and designees and to advocate systems change when appropriate.

c. The SADSA and other investigators and decision-makers will strive to maintain confidentiality to the full extent appropriate, consistent with the need to resolve the matter effectively and fairly.

d. The parties, persons interviewed in the investigation, persons notified of the investigation, and persons involved in the proceedings will be advised of the need for discretion and confidentiality. Inappropriate breaches of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action.

VIII. Retaliation

a. WAUSM strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone reporting or providing information in an investigation or proceeding.

b. Examples of retaliation include, but are not limited to, assigning a lower grade, describing the reporting individual as a “snitch,” or making comments that the reporting individual is not to be trusted.

c. Alleged retaliation will be subject to investigation and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, expulsion, or dismissal.

IX. False Claims

A person who knowingly makes false allegations of mistreatment, or who knowingly provides false information in an investigation or proceeding will be subject to disciplinary action and, in the case of students, may result in a referral to the SPC or administrative withdrawal from the program.

Student Code of Conduct

The WAUSM Student Code of Conduct encourages the personal and professional development of students. It outlines the minimum expectation for student behavior and the conduct process to address any breach of the Student Code of Conduct.

a. WAUSM students are expected to exhibit personal and professional behavior that aligns with the American Medical Association’s Ethical Principles and the mission and core values of WAUSM as outlined below.

b. Mission: Drawing on the collective success of distinguished medical educators and administrators who have recruited, educated, and trained thousands of practicing physicians in North America, WAUSM is committed to offering opportunity for qualified and diverse US, Canadian, and international students who seek to acquire the knowledge and skills to succeed in medical school, earn residency positions, and become outstanding, patient-centered MDs serving the public.

c. Core Values:

i. Excellence in medical education and student services.

ii. Commitment to our local and global communities.

iii. Diversity that is reflected in actions inclusive of all individuals.

iv. Integrity that embraces the highest standards of ethical behavior and moral character.

v. Respect for all individuals who are affiliated with WAUSM students, staff, faculty, partners, communities, patients, and families.

vi. Cooperation that is manifested in all interpersonal communication and collaboration in pursuit of medical education.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

a. WAUSM students are entitled to certain rights and privileges and have certain responsibilities as WAUSM community members.

i. Speech/Expression: Students have the right to express themselves freely on any subject provided they do so in a manner that does not violate the Student Code of Conduct. Students have the responsibility to respect the rights of all WAUSM community members.

ii. Non-discrimination: Students have the right not to be discriminated against by any WAUSM employee or Agent of WAUSM for reasons of race, color, religion, creed, ethnic or national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, political or social affiliation, domestic violence victim or veteran status. Students have the responsibility not to discriminate against others.

iii. Assembly/Protest: Students have the right to assemble in an orderly manner and engage in peaceful protest, demonstration and picketing which does not disrupt the function of the University, threaten the health or safety of any person, or violate the Student Code of Conduct, local, state, or federal law.

iv. Religion/Political Association: Students have the right to exercise their religious convictions and associate with religious, political or other organizations of their choice provided they do so in a manner that does not inhibit the legal rights of other members of the community, complies with the Student Code of Conduct, and is consistent with university policies on use of facilities for religious and political purposes. Students have the responsibility to respect the rights of other WAUSM community members to freely exercise their religious convictions and to freely associate with organizations of their choice.

v. Academic Interests: Students have the right to receive accurate and clearly stated information relating to maintaining of acceptable academic standing, graduation requirements, and individual
course objectives and requirements. Students can expect instruction from competent instructors and reasonable access to those instructors. Students have the right to a productive learning environment and the responsibility to attend class and know their academic requirements.

vi. Safe Environment: Students have the right to expect a reasonably safe environment, supportive of the University’s mission and their own educational goals. Students have the responsibility to protect and maintain that environment and to protect themselves from all hazards to the extent that reasonable behavior and precaution can avoid risk.

vii. Governance/Participation: Students have the right to establish representative governmental bodies and to participate in university governance in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University. Students who accept representative roles in the governance of the University have the obligation to participate responsibly.

viii. Conduct Process: Students have the right to participate in the conduct process before formal disciplinary sanctions are imposed by the University for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. No change in the status of any student shall occur for disciplinary reasons until after the student has been given written notice of, and opportunity for, a formal hearing—except instances in which the student’s conduct constitutes a threat to persons, property, or the operation of university programs. A description of the Conduct Process is contained within the Student Code of Conduct or other Official University policies or publications.

ix. Confidentiality: Students have the right to access and to control access of their education records as outlined by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment. These include the rights to view and challenge the content of specified records, to control the release of certain personal and academic information to third parties, and to suppress all or some information identified as “directory information” by the University.

Violation of Student Code of Conduct

a. The following behaviors, or attempts thereof, by any student, or group of students, are considered in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Alleged violations will be adjudicated via the conduct process and/or other applicable processes. Disciplinary action may be taken by the University against a student, or group of students, accused of violating any part of the Student Code of Conduct or engaging in unprofessional or illegal behavior regardless of where such behavior occurs.

i. Academic dishonesty. The following represents examples of academic dishonesty and is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete list:

1. Cheating on exams or assignments using books, electronic devices, notes, or other aids when these are not permitted, or by copying from another student.

2. Two or more students helping one another on an exam or assignment when it is not permitted.

3. Taking an exam for someone else or permitting someone else to take one’s exam.

4. Submitting the same paper in more than one course without permission of the instructors.

5. Copying someone else’s writing or paraphrasing it too closely, without proper citation, including instructor notes and presentation slides.

6. Falsifying documents or records related to credit, grades, status, or other academic matters.

7. Stealing, concealing, destroying, or inappropriately modifying classroom or other instructional material, such as posted exams, library materials, laboratory supplies, or computer programs.

8. Preventing relevant material from being subjected to academic evaluation.

9. Presenting fabricated excuses for missed assignments or tests.

ii. Unprofessional behavior, including but not limited to dishonesty, disrespectful behavior, failure to demonstrate integrity, compassion, and empathy; failure to maintain the duty and responsibility required of the medical profession.

iii. Breaching confidentiality by disseminating information that on legal or professional grounds should remain confidential.

iv. Providing false information to the University.

v. Forgery, alteration, transferring, unauthorized lending, unauthorized borrowing, altering, unauthorized use, unauthorized possession of, or misuse of university documents, records, identification cards, and equipment.

vi. Theft or other abuse of the computer facilities and resources including but not limited to:

1. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.

2. Unauthorized transfer of a file.

3. Use of another individual’s identification and/or password, including the unauthorized sharing of this information.

4. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or University Official.

5. Use of computer facilities or resources to send obscene or abusive messages.

6. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with normal operations of the University computer system.

7. Use of computer facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws.

8. Any violation of the Information Technology Policies.

vii. Misuse of communication equipment (e.g., cellular telephones, camera, computer, computer systems, text messaging) including, but not limited to:

1. In educational setting not approved by an instructor or by institutional policies.

2. For invasion of privacy, harassment, or abuse.

3. For academic dishonesty.

viii. Hazing or any action which endangers the mental, emotional, or physical health of any person for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in an organization or team whose members are, or include, students of the University.

ix. Failure to leave University property after appropriate warning by a university employee or any law enforcement officer.

x. Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by law and University policy. Possession, use, delivery, manufacturing, or sale of controlled substances as defined by local law (See WAUSM Policy on Drug-Free Environment).

xi. Smoking on the University Campus, which includes all building and grounds (See WAUSM “Tobacco Free Environment” Policy).

xii. Verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, repeated and willful conduct which causes the reasonable person to be fearful or to experience significant emotional distress, sexual harassment of another person(s),
actions which are committed with disregard of the possible harm to individual(s) or group(s), or which result in injury to individual(s) or group(s).

xiii. Bias related incidents, acts of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation directed at a member or group based on national origin, ethnicity, race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, color, creed, or marital status.

xiv. Intentionally, recklessly, or negligently causing physical harm to any person on campus or at university sponsored activities. This includes engaging in any form of fighting.

xv. Unwanted sexual behavior, including but not limited to the implied or threatened use of force to engage in any sexual activity against a person’s will and/or engaging in such behavior with a person
who is unconscious or mentally impaired (including intoxication); intentionally touching another person’s genitals, buttocks, or breasts without the person’s consent; indecent exposure; voyeurism.

xvi. Violations of any university policies.

xvii. Any act that obstructs or disrupts teaching, research, administration, or interferes with the educational process and/or the daily operation within the University.

xviii. Failure to comply with generally accepted safety regulations. Such failure shall include, but is not limited to:

1. Falsely reporting a bomb, fire, or any other emergency by means of activating a fire alarm or by other means.

2. Unauthorized possession, use, or alteration of any University owned emergency or safety equipment.

3. Failure to evacuate a building or other structure during an emergency, or during emergency drills.

4. Actions that create a substantial risk such that the safety of an individual is compromised.

5. Misuse of a self-defense spray devise.

6. False threats or reports of a destructive devices or substance.

7. Flammable Materials, Explosives – Possession or ignition of combustible material for the purpose of cooking, heating, lighting, or display is prohibited on WAUSM premises or at WAUSM functions. Examples of these items include candles, incense, oil burning lamps, and Sterno. Fireworks, explosives, harmful chemicals, and flammable liquids (including oil-based paints, turpentine, and gasoline) are not to be stored in/around campus buildings.

8. Possession of weapons on WAUSM premises or at WAUSM functions including, but not limited to, guns, projectile weapons, switchblades and blades longer than a normal pocketknife.

xix. Violation of any disciplinary sanction.

xx. Abuse of the Conduct Process, including but not limited to:

1. Failure to obey the summons of a conduct body of the University.

2. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a conduct body.

3. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a conduct proceeding.

4. Institution of a conduct proceeding knowingly without cause.

5. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the conduct process.

6. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a conduct body prior to, and/or during, the conduct proceeding.

7. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a conduct body prior to, during, and/or after a conduct proceeding.

8. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code of Conduct or other University regulations.

9. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the conduct system.

10.Retaliation against any person for participation in the Conduct Process.

xxi. Failure to comply with the university’s Student Mistreatment Policy.

Conduct Process

a. The purpose of the WAUSM Conduct Process is to determine if WAUSM policies or the Student Code of Conduct has been violated and if so, to determine the appropriate outcome for such infractions.

b. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may also be violations of the law. A criminal investigation will not take the place of a WAUSM Conduct Process, although a criminal investigation may supplement a WAUSM investigation. WAUSM will initiate its conduct process as outlined below, whether a criminal investigation has concluded.

c. Reports and Investigations

i. Any person or WAUSM itself may make a misconduct report against a student. Reports are made to the Office of Student Affairs in writing and are encouraged to be made as soon as possible. Reports of
misconduct may be investigated by the University whether the impacted WAUSM Community Member wants to proceed or not. ii. Upon receipt of a misconduct report, the Conduct Official will investigate to determine if there is enough information to support an alleged violation of the Code.

iii. The Conduct Official may ask the Respondent to appear at an investigative meeting to discuss the report or gather additional information.

iv. If it is found that a violation of the Code has occurred, the Conduct Official will notify the Respondent of the allegations in writing via an Allegation of Misconduct Letter. The Letter will include a summary of the complaint, the alleged policy violation(s), the next steps in the conduct process, and any interim measures. The Letter will be sent to the Respondent no less than two (2) business days prior to a scheduled meeting.

v. The Allegation of Misconduct Letter will be sent to the Respondent’s Official WAUSM email address. For Registered Student Organizations, the Notice will be emailed to the organization’s primary representative (typically the President on file with the Office of Campus Life). Failure to read and comply with the Letter is not grounds for an appeal.

vi. Student Conduct Meetings, Restorative Conferences or Formal Hearings are scheduled by the Conduct Official. The time and date of these events are determined by each party’s class schedule and the
availability of the Conduct Panel, Hearing Board members, and witnesses. Prior to Student Conduct Meetings, Restorative Conferences or Formal Hearings, the Respondent(s) and Complainant may contact the Conduct Official to review all information relevant to the allegations.

d. Restorative Resolution Options

i. Student Conduct Meeting

1. The Respondent may be provided with an informal meeting to resolve the allegations. Meetings are closed meetings that permit the Respondent to discuss the report informally with the Conduct Official and others as appropriate. During the meeting, the Conduct Official and the Respondent will discuss the report.

2. After reviewing the referral and meeting with the Respondent, the Conduct Official may determine that adequate information does not exist to prove an alleged violation and may dismiss the report.

3. If the Conduct Official determines that adequate information exists to prove an alleged violation, and the Respondent accepts responsibility for the alleged violation, the Conduct Official and the Respondent will discuss restorative actions. The Respondent can either:

a. Agree to fulfill the restorative action as discussed in the meeting; or

b. Disagree with the proposed restorative action and request a restorative conference or a formal hearing on the issue of appropriate restorative actions only.

4. If the Conduct Official determines adequate information does exist to prove an alleged violation, and the Respondent does not accept responsibility, the case will be referred for a formal hearing.

5. An agreement by the Respondent as to either responsibility or the restorative action which is reached during the student conduct meeting may not be appealed.

6. If the Respondent is a student organization, the organization may have its charter suspended as a consequence.

ii. Restorative Conference

1. A restorative conference provides an opportunity for interaction between the Respondent and Complainant and may involve the community in the decision-making process. Community participants may be any WAUSM Community member concerned about the behavior. Restorative conferences encourage collaboration in deciding the consequences of the alleged misconduct and addresses underlying problems that may have contributed to the behavior.

2. Participation in a restorative conference is voluntary. All parties must willingly agree to attend. The Respondent must have previously accepted responsibility for the behavior in question for a restorative conference to occur. Restorative conferences may or may not result in additional restorative actions, depending on the outcome of the conference.

3. If a resolution is not met through the restorative conference, a formal hearing will be scheduled to resolve the matter.

4. When a report could result in suspension or expulsion, or when a restorative conference is inappropriate, the Conduct Official may send the report directly to a Hearing Board for a formal hearing.

e. Formal Resolution Option

i. Formal Hearing

1. Student Affairs solicits WAUSM Community Members to serve on Hearing Boards. Annual and ongoing training of Hearing Board volunteers is facilitated by Student Affairs. When a student conduct matter is referred to a Hearing Board for a formal hearing, the Conduct Official will determine which Hearing Board will address the allegation(s) based on the type of the allegation(s), whether the allegation(s) is grounds for disciplinary suspension or expulsion, whether the allegation(s) is grounds for suspension or revocation of Registered Student Organization status, and other relevant factors. The Conduct Official will notify the Respondent, Complainant(s) and Hearing Board members of the individuals selected for the Hearing Board at least 7 business days before the hearing.

2. The Complainant and Respondent have the right to be assisted by any advisor they choose, at their own expense. The Complainant and Respondent are responsible for presenting their own case: advisors are not permitted to participate directly in any hearing.

3. The university, the Complainant, the Respondent, and the Hearing Board shall be allowed to present witnesses, subject to the right of questioning by the Hearing Board.

4. Pertinent records, written statements, and other relevant items may be accepted as evidence for consideration by the Hearing Board.

5. After the hearing, the Hearing Board shall deliberate in private and determine, by majority vote whether the Respondent has violated the Student Code of Conduct.

6. The determination of the Hearing Board shall be made based on whether it is more likely than not that the Respondent violated the Student Code of Conduct.

7. There shall be a single record of all Hearing Board meetings. The record shall be the property of the University. Suspensions and non-academic dismissals will be noted in the Respondent’s academic file.

8. Failure to appear before the Hearing Board does not constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The evidence in support of the misconduct report shall be presented and considered whether the Respondent is present or not at the Hearing Board proceedings. A Respondent may be found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct in instances where the Complainant has not participated in the conduct process.

9. The conduct Official shall notify the Respondent of the outcome in writing, and in appropriate cases, shall also notify the Complainant. In specific types of cases, such as those of sexual misconduct allegations, the Complainant and Respondent will be informed simultaneously. When safety concerns exist, the Complainant may be given appropriate notice prior to formal notification.

f. Appeals

A Respondent may appeal the Restorative Conference outcomes and Hearing Board decision within seven (7) business days of the date the decision was rendered to the Senior Associate Dean, Student Affairs in writing. Reasons for appeals are limited to the following:

1. Whether the Conduct Process was altered in a manner that would have altered the outcome.

2. The sanction(s) are disproportionate to the violation(s).

3. Whether new information, or other relevant facts not presented at the hearing, would have altered the outcome of the hearing and if such information and/or facts were not known to the person appealing at the time of the original hearing.

Consensual Relations

WAUSM is committed to creating an environment free of discrimination and harassment. The University prohibits supervisory or evaluative responsibilities of individuals who are in consensual relationships. The definitions of this policy are outlined below and apply to all WAUSM students, faculty members, staff, consultants, and affiliates. If any doubt exists as to whether a relationship falls under this policy, WAUSM employees need to consult their direct supervisor or human resources department and students should seek guidance from the Office of Student Affairs.

a. Consensual Relationship: Romantic or sexual relationship is at the consent of both parties. Duration, commitment level, or physical intimacy is not required for a relationship to be considered consensual if the relationship is beyond the reasonable boundaries of a professional relationship. One sexual encounter is considered a sexual relationship under this policy.

b. Supervisory or Evaluative Relationship: A relationship where one member holds or has perceived power to control or impact the other person’s academic, extracurricular, or employment activities.

All romantic or sexual relationships between employed, contracted, or affiliated members of WAUSM and students is prohibited.

If a consensual relationship began prior to individuals joining WAUSM, and there is a possibility for a supervisory or evaluative relationship to occur, the individuals must inform the Office of Student Affairs of the relationship immediately.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to dismissal/termination.



The academic catalog describes the educational program and activities available at WAUSM. WAUSM’s curriculum is designed to build a solid foundation and positions students for success.



The information contained in the student handbook serves as a guide for students throughout their academic, clinical,  and extracurricular life as members of the WAUSM community.